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Ribbons: Romania
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 ROMANIA. Wartime ribbon for the Order of the Star of Romania (Panglic? de r?zboi Ordinului Steaua României) 1938-1947  ROMANIA. Wartime ribbon for the Order of the Star of Romania (Panglic? de r?zboi Ordinului Steaua României) 1938-1947  
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 ROMANIA. Wartime ribbon for the Order of the Star of Romania (Panglică de război Ordinului Steaua României) 1938-1947  ROMANIA. Wartime ribbon for the Order of the Star of Romania (Panglică de război Ordinului Steaua României) 1938-1947  
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 ROMANIA. Wartime ribbon for the Order of the Crown of Romania, miniature (Panglică de război Ordinului Coroana României, miniatură), 1932-1947 issue  ROMANIA. Wartime ribbon for the Order of the Crown of Romania, miniature (Panglică de război Ordinului Coroana României, miniatură), 1932-1947 issue  
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 ROMANIA. Wartime ribbon for the Order of the Crown of Romania (Panglică de război Ordinului Coroana României) 1938-1947  ROMANIA. Wartime ribbon for the Order of the Crown of Romania (Panglică de război Ordinului Coroana României) 1938-1947  
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 ROMANIA. Ribbon in the national colours  ROMANIA. Ribbon in the national colours  
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 ROMANIA. Ribbon in the national colours  ROMANIA. Ribbon in the national colours  
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 ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Order of the Crown of Romania, miniature (Panglică Ordinului Coroana României, miniatură), 1932-1947 issue  ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Order of the Crown of Romania, miniature (Panglică Ordinului Coroana României, miniatură), 1932-1947 issue  
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 ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Order of the Crown of Romania (Panglică Ordinului Coroana României) 1932-1947  ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Order of the Crown of Romania (Panglică Ordinului Coroana României) 1932-1947  
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 ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Order of the Crown of Romania (Panglică Ordinului Coroana României) 1881-1932  ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Order of the Crown of Romania (Panglică Ordinului Coroana României) 1881-1932  
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 ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Medal for the Eastern Front (Medal for the Crusade against Communism - Medalia Cruciada Împotriva Comunismului), 1942  ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Medal for the Eastern Front (Medal for the Crusade against Communism - Medalia Cruciada Împotriva Comunismului), 1942  
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 ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Medal for the Eastern Front (Medal for the Crusade against Communism - Medalia Cruciada Împotriva Comunismului), 1942  ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Medal for the Eastern Front (Medal for the Crusade against Communism - Medalia Cruciada Împotriva Comunismului), 1942  
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 ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Medal for the Defenders of Independence (Medalia Ap?r?torii Independen?ei), 1878  ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Medal for the Defenders of Independence (Medalia Ap?r?torii Independen?ei), 1878  
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 ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Cross and Medal for Loyal Service, miniature (Panglică Crucei şi Medaliei Serviciul Credincios miniatură), 1932-1947 issue  ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Cross and Medal for Loyal Service, miniature (Panglică Crucei şi Medaliei Serviciul Credincios miniatură), 1932-1947 issue  
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 ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Cross and Medal for Loyal Service (Panglică Crucei şi Medaliei Serviciul Credincios), 1932-1947 issue  ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Cross and Medal for Loyal Service (Panglică Crucei şi Medaliei Serviciul Credincios), 1932-1947 issue  
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 ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Cross and Medal for Loyal Service (Panglică Crucei şi Medaliei Serviciul Credincios), 1932-1947 issue  ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Cross and Medal for Loyal Service (Panglică Crucei şi Medaliei Serviciul Credincios), 1932-1947 issue  
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 ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Commemorative Medal for the War of 1913 (Medal for the Upsurge of the Nation - Medalia Avîntul ??rii)  ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Commemorative Medal for the War of 1913 (Medal for the Upsurge of the Nation - Medalia Avîntul ??rii)  
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 ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Commemorative Cross for the 1916-1918 War (Crucea Comemorativ? a R?zboiului 1916-1918)  ROMANIA. Ribbon for the Commemorative Cross for the 1916-1918 War (Crucea Comemorativ? a R?zboiului 1916-1918)  
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 ROMANIA. Ribbon and hanger for the Medal for the 30th Anniversary of the Romanian Armed Forces (Medalia a 30a aniversare a Zilei Armatei Republicii Socialiste România), 1974  ROMANIA. Ribbon and hanger for the Medal for the 30th Anniversary of the Romanian Armed Forces (Medalia a 30a aniversare a Zilei Armatei Republicii Socialiste România), 1974  
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 ROMANIA. Narrow ribbon in the national colours  ROMANIA. Narrow ribbon in the national colours  
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 ROMANIA. Commander's neck ribbon with ties for the Order of the Crown of Romania (Ordinul Coroana României), 1881-1932 issue  ROMANIA. Commander's neck ribbon with ties for the Order of the Crown of Romania (Ordinul Coroana României), 1881-1932 issue  
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