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SERBIA. Trifold ribbon for the Commemorative Medal for the Anointment (Chrismation) of King Alexander I Obrenović 1889 and the Medal for Zealous Service 1913 and for YUGOSLAVIA, KINGDOM. Order of the Yugoslav Crown, knight
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SERBIA. Trifold ribbon for the Commemorative Medal for the Anointment (Chrismation) of King Alexander I Obrenović 1889 and the Medal for Zealous Service 1913 and for YUGOSLAVIA, KINGDOM. Order of the Yugoslav Crown, knight
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Full-size trifold ribbon complete with hook and eye attachment.

SERBIA. Trifold ribbon for the Commemorative Medal for the Anointment (Chrismation) of King Alexander I Obrenović 1889 and the Medal for Zealous Service 1913 and for YUGOSLAVIA, KINGDOM. Order of the Yugoslav Crown, knight
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